WALT: infer and make predictions about a text

This is the blurb and the front cover of a book we are going to read later in the year.

Use your inference skills to:

1: Tell me what genre the book is

2: Who the main characters are.

3: What you think the story is about and why.

Always use evidence from the text. Remember, things aren’t always as clear as they seem.

a_monster_calls cover

18 thoughts on “WALT: infer and make predictions about a text

  1. The genre of the book is horror because it has no bright colors and it has a monster in the picture. I think the main character is the monster in the picture and its talking more about the monster in the blurb and they make it scary. I predict that the book would be like Wild Boy that book because the monster in the picture looks hairy just like wild boy.

  2. I think that this genre is horror and death because it is not nice and calm.
    I think that the main character is a monster because by the look of it,it’s a monster.
    I think that a normal man will go to a abandoned and the talks to ghosts and turn in to a monster.

  3. question 1: i think the genre is horrible and scary because if it was a nice an calm book to read it will have bright colours but this book has very dark colours. question 2: i think the main character is the man on the front cover and i think one other character is a little boy who lives in a horned house.question 3: i think this story is about a boy that lives in a horned house because the house looks very old and the man on the front cover might want to kill or kidnappe or save the little boy in the hornted house.

  4. I predict there is a man that tern into a ware wolf in the full moon,
    he scares people from there houses, his trying to make friends.
    What he dose in the night is search until he finds a friend,
    at least one.when is sunny he try to look for a family.


  5. I predict this book is a monster on because of the hairy person. I think this book would be scary because it is grey and not colorful .I also predict that it is grey because this book might be old because bake in the olden days it was not colorful.


  6. I the genre is very scary and horrible because if it is a nice book then it will have a bright color on the front cover. I think this is about a girl who has two big sisters and a chicken then one night a terrible giant came and took away her chicken. In the morning she ca
    me and her chicken didn’t come out.zhi

  7. Derick
    I think the genre of this book is a horror scary book because I can see a dark monster alive trying to reach a farm or a building and it shows on the front and back that it is dark and the wind is blowing all the plants towards the monster. Most monster turn up at night to come and scare you Also the monster show up after midnight! I think the main charter is maria carter running away from a monster going place to place the monster would find her and I think this is a nightmare because maria carter might have made the monster in her dream and the monster came to life.

  8. The Mystery
    I predict this book genre is horror because the man looks like he is heading to a house and he looks like he is going to scare the people in the house. I think the main characters are the hairy man and a little boy or girl .I think this story is a bit like Wild boy because
    wild boy was hairy and this man is hairy. And I also think when he is heading for the house it might be just to make a friend but everyone else dose not believe him so they try capturing him and give a reward out so they can kill him
    BY Madiha

  9. i think the genre of the book is a horror
    i think the main people are monsters because there is a huge figure that is standing between the cottage and the farm. i think the story is about werewolf that comes out at

  10. a mystery book
    I think the genre of this book is horror and death .
    I think that the main character is the sand man because he is covered in lots of leaves and grass and some mud .
    I think that this story is about 2 people that take sand home with sand and every time but then it just keeps on disparaging but then one day the sand man comes and eats them both for taking the sand mans sand n a jar .
    rukela !

  11. A Mystery Book
    I believe this book is called the Sand Man because the man looks like a tree and in the Sand Man book the man is a tree.I think that the genre is horror because it is dark and its has a big wide moon.I predict the main character are a boy and a girl and there family and a old man.I think the story is about the family they go to the beach, they see a old man he tells thing about not to take any grain of sand or the sand man will eat them.

  12. I think genre is horror because on the front cover it looks really scary and dark . I think that the main character is the big monster in the front cover and there is no one else in the front cover but him and a house . I think the story is about the family they go to the beach but they see a big monster chasing them so their hiding in the house and the monster is trying to find the family.

  13. I think the genre of the book is horror and mystery because in the picture there’s some kind of creature. I think the main characters are the monster in the picture and maybe the person or something in the house.I believe this story is about a human who somehow there was a curse on him an he turned into a monster (or creature) because in the picture it looks like that the cottage maybe used to be he or shes house. I predict that this story is going to have a twist in it like its very joyful in the start but something bad happens because of the dark colours and the eerie looking picture. Additionally, I also think it’s like red riding hood because in the story there’s a girl and a wolf and a cottage so maybe it’s red riding hood but a twist to it.By Nyhab

  14. I think the genre of this book is horror and mystery because the front cover is dark and scary.Although I couldn’t read the blurb I think there is a boy that lives in a cottage and a monster came in the middle of the night as he or she always does.Someone in the family dies and the monster comes again and another member of the family member dies again . Maybe the monster just wants a friend to help him roar.I think the story is about the monster wanting food for his family because they had nothing to eat for more than 5 weeks. I think that at the end the monster and his family with the boy and his family are going to be friends with each other and the whole community.The monster looks like it is a scarecrow and its made of hay or straw.

  15. I think that this might be a horror book because of the shades of colors used like a grey and a black. I also think that the main character might be the beast and his mother which i think his mother might be normal and he is a monster and i also think he is a wolf as well as that i think the monster and his mum are the main characters because in the blurb it is one of the main things that they talk about. I predict the book is about the beast trying to find out about what is going on with his mother and anybody that try’s to get in his way will be stopped and might actually be killed that’s how horrible it looks to me. It’s also a book that i would read because it looks adventures and very addictive i’m also sure that the age rating should be 9+ because it looks very scary for younger than nine year old children

    By Ella

  16. I think this genre of this story is horror, mystery and adventure because at the front of the book there is a creature or something or someone. I predict the main character is a family and the house in the picture is there house. I believe the story is about a farmer who turns into a monster because he done something bad and he want someone to help but instead people think he or she is try into to scare them.

  17. I think this is is a horror book because a boy is having nightmares about a monster and that monster is real. I think the main character is the boy or the monster because the boy is having nightmares about a monster. The main character can also be the monster because the monster is making the people scared. I think the book is about a monster haunting people who have dreams about him and the boy had dreams about the monster and now it’s the boys turn to get haunted. by Ali

  18. I think the genre of the book is horror because there is a monster spying near a house , it does not look like a friendly monster and the colours are dark and if the book is not covered with bright colours it kind of means that it is about death or mystery or horror. I think the main characters are the monster and his mother because in the blurb it said that the monster wanted the truth from his mother. I predict that the book is about a monster that wants the truth from his mother because shes having a treat meant and I think its get be a normal human like us and she does not want to be a monster because people do not look like the look of monsters because they think eat or kill humans like us but they do not know that some monsters/wolfs are kind and you can train the bad ones to be good! I think the book is suitable for 9+ because i think it is to scary for lower than 9+!

    By Jennah

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