WALT: Make predictions about a book

wild boyIMG_D1EC0961

As you are all experts on Wild Boy from year 4, I would like to you to use your knowledge and inference skills to PREDICT what this story is about and what might happen.

You must:

use PEE ( Point Evidence Explain)

Write in full sentences e.g I predict that this story will… I think this because…

Read the blurb carefully to find clues

Look closely at the illustrations on the cover to support your predictions


32 thoughts on “WALT: Make predictions about a book

  1. I predict that the black terror is a plague that is created by a poison that can kill and turn the victim mad. I think this because on the blurb it says that the black terror is caused by a poisoner leaving their victims mad with terror. I also think that it’s a disease because it says’ is there a cure for the black terror’ on the blurb and diseases normally have cures. Another thing I predict is that Wild Boy and Clarissa will meet the queen as on the blurb it says that they will visit the grandest palaces and the queen lives in the grandest palace of them all.

    by Rhea

  2. I predict that there are going to be people who get poisoned and turned into zombies. I know this because in the blurb, it mentions about poison and also, on the front cover, at the bottom, there is green mist. It also seems like green magic, so it could be about magic terrorising people and also poisoning them.

    1. I would like you to use your prior knowledge of Wild Boy. Would you explain your reson for predicting zombies being in this story?

  3. I think this story is going to be about London will be terrified because of a character in the story who wants to poison many people. Clarissa and Wild Boy will find out somehow about this character and try to stop him/her but the character will find a way to trap them. He/Her will hang from the ceiling and underneath them would be black poisonous liquid. I predicted that because on the front cover of the book I can see some chains that would of probably been the hanging chains. Also there is liquid under Wild Boy and Clarissa looks scared or frightened. I also think there is a crow in this story too because at the back of the book there is a crow in a cage and maybe that crow will help her/ him catch Wild Boy and Clarissa.


  4. I predict that the black terror is a disease that is create by a really bad poison which effects wild boy. The bad thing this does is kill the people that had the plague. Wild boy and Clarissa look for a cure so that the people affected by the black terror such as wild boy can use the cure. The other affect the black terror has is to turn people mad it some times turns bad and they murder some one. Wild Boy and Clarissa meets the queen in he r palace (first page 1)

  5. I predict this book will be about wild boy and Clarissa’s next adventure and it will follow on from the first book. Also I think the black terror could be the plague because it is set in 1842 and around then the plague was going round and lots of people died. Further more at the end Wild Boy and Clarissa will become famous and not freaks or murders.

    By RubyT

  6. I predict that there is going to be a plague and huge fog as it is the time which the plague would of started or ended and when the plague happened it was all black and that the book might be called Wild Boy and the BLACK TERROR. Also, from the cover, they might need to enter the sewers or a mysterious, old factory because there are loads of cogs and there is some kind of dirty water below him. Going back to the idea off the plague, I think it is the plague because the plague poisoned many people, had loads of rats and many people and animals died and in the blurb it says a poisoner stalks London, leaving victims mad with terror …. and then dead.

  7. I think the black terror is a poisoun that can kill you and the person or something is doing this because mabey he wants all the best things in England including the queens jewels. I think this because of the front cover when Wild boy is swing into on those metal anker

    I predict that there is a poisoner in the deps of London who will never stop until he gets the boy/freak/MONSTER!but the crook has a chemical that leaves people mad then dead. can wild boy Clarissa and Marcus save London or will the poisoner rule the streets for ever.

  9. Wild Boy And The Black Terror!!!

    I predict this book is about a poisoner who stalks London streets and Wild boy and Clarissa save London city by ending the poisoners life maybe the poisoner is sir osworld and he have been lucky enough to escape his own death and is be back for deep deep revenge. Or maybe Wild boy and Clarissa wont be able to defeat him as he is way to stronger but I have full hope that Wild boy and Clarissa would defeat him and cure the villagers who have been mad with TERROR…

  10. I think the black terror is a poisoun that can kill you and the person or something is doing this because mabey he wants all the best things in England including the queens jewels. I think this because of the front cover when Wild boy is swing into on those metal anker in a chase with one of his enemies. I think this because WILD BOY and Clarissa in the sewage looking excited and nervous and the only way they will be in the sewage is because if they were chasing or hiding from someone. I think WILD BOY will go to Bukigham Palace to be given the Victorian cross for bringing back the crown jewels.

  11. wild boy and the black terror !!!
    I predict that this book is about an evil poisoner stalking London and trying to kill people and Clarissa and wild boy try to stop the evil poisoner from doing it . I think that Clarissa will kill him and will end his life and wild boy will come up with a plan to help her . I also predict that the poisoner will try to poison everyone and kill them but is there a cure for this crazy black terror . Also if the creepy and crazy stalker who is stalking London gets away from his close coming death and will try and get deep deep revenge he will leave the villagers with TERROR and DEATH!!!!!!!

  12. Wild Boy and the Black Terror

    I predict this book is about a poisoner who is killing people with magic and Wild Boy was trying to find him so he can stop. I think this book is mainly for Sherlock Holmes fans because it is about finding clues and Wild Boy is a detective and he likes finding clues. This book took place in 1842. At the start i think there in a palace because in the other book he woke up in a palace.

    By David

  13. Wild Boy and the Black Terror
    I think that there is a poisoner who poisons every one who is in there way because the blurb includes him and his description is he stalks London, leaving victims mad with TERROR… & then dead.

  14. I predict that someone might put some poison in the city and they need Wild Boy and Clarissa’s help to save them ! On the other hand , he might still perform the FREAK SHOW, because on the front cover people are looking somewhere and cheering. They might be down in sewer because it looks like some water or there is smoke coming towards him because it look like some sorts of smoke coming towards him.On the front cover it looks like Clarissa has been locked up because it looks like she is so worried and nervous.

  15. I think this book is about a half man half snake person who want to find wild boy and Clarissa but they don’t know who this person is and where this person is. I think that this curious man will start to make a plan to get them and hurt them so he can be the famous one. As soon as he gets wild boy and Clarissa, he will take them in to a palaces so they can go back to what they were doing in the old day. When he drops them off, Clarissa and wild boy will finally find this man and call every one they know and they will put him in prison. After 60 year, he with come out of prison and get stronger so he can beat Clarissa and wild boy and if his nice he won’t kill them or KILL THEM!!!
    By Khalid A.

  16. I predict that Wild Boy and the Black Terror is a detective kind of book and the genre is horror because the way the wrote the terror its like its melting and its horror because it don’t have bright colorful pictures and in the front cover and no ones smiling happily. In the blurb Wild Boy and Clarissa is the peoples last hope because there is a poisoner that stalks London. So maybe they’ll need to go on a very dangerous mission to find who the poisoner is.
    By Serena

  17. I predict that Wild boy and Clarissa will try to be nice to people and the other people might think there trying to harm them and hit them and Wild boy and Clarissa might tern in to a detective because there helpful and work’s how to tern negative into positive but they try and put Wild boy and Clarissa in to Gail(prison.)


  18. Wild boy and the black terror!!! I predict that there is a evil person who try’s to kill wild boy but i think Clarissa kill’s the evil man and end his life i also think wild boy has a plan to help Clarissa in this fight which could lead to death. But if Clarissa or wild boy dies i think that the man who is stalking Londen might go and get deep reveng…

  19. I think this book is about Wild boy and Clarissa who are on a mission to find out the person who is killing every one. I know this because, on the blurb it said that there is someone or something everyone. It’s called the black terror. I think that the golden eyed man is going to help them solve this case. I predict that the gentlemen have something to do with the black terror. I think this because, they’re acting very strange and they have a secret base underground.

    By: Kasey Baxter

  20. Wild Boy andd the black terror predicition.

    I predict this book will be about a boy/monster who is a detective and a servent where th servernt tries to kill Maifare with a special power. After that Wild Boy and his freak show friend Clarrisa try to stop him and go on a great journey of a lifetime and have an adventure trying to stop this man and the power which they call the Black Terror. I would certainly reccomend this to fans of detective books and sherlck holmes lovers because thhis is a great book written by Rob Lloyd Jones and the illlistrations are exeptional. Here is one of the quotes “Super folllow up to the brilliant Wild Boy” The bookbag explained.

    By Ella

  21. I predict this book will be about a boy/monster who is a detective and a servent where the servent tries to kill Maifare with a special power. After that Wild Boy and his freak show friend Clarissa try to stop him and go on a great journey of a lifetime and have an adventure trying to stop this man and the power they call the Black Terror. I would certainly reccomend this to fans of detective books and sherlock holmes lovers because this is a great book written by Rob Lloyd Jones and the illlistrations are exeptional. Here is one of the quotes “Super folllow up to the brilliant Wild Boy” The bookbag explained.

    By Ella

  22. I predict this book is about a person who hands out a poison called the black terror. I think this because on the blurb it said if theirs a cure for the black terror. The blurb also said the poisoner leaves people mad with terror, then DEAD. I also believe the poisoner is hunting down Wild Boy & Clarissa because it said on blurb that Wild Boy & Clarissa’s hunt will lead them from the City’s vilest slums to its grandest palaces. By:Ali.

  23. I predict that the black terror is about a man who is a poisoner and stalks around the whole of London leaving victims mad with terror and then dead. Also i believe he is half raven and human and i also think the Gentle- man and Marcus-Bishop are going to help Wild boy and Clarissa catch the murderer .

  24. I predict that it is about Marcus Bishop and the gentlemen are going to help Wild Boy and Clarissa find the the person that is poisoner because there is someone in the palace . The gentlemen are disappointed at Wild Boy because he went down the chimney and listened to their conversation. I also predict that when Wild Boy and Clarissa come out of the palace , they might see people on the floor holding poison and then investigate who gave all that poison to everyone.It could be the BLACK TERROR!

  25. I think this book is about wild boy(freak show performer and master detective) and clarissa(circus acrobat, lock breaker and a trouble maker) who trying to solve a crime for who or what is killing everyone. It is called the black terror.

    By: Kasey Baxter

  26. I think the Wild Boy Black Terror book is about Wild boy and Clarissa solving another mystery but it’s not like they’ve done before. At the back of the blurb near the end of the paragraph it says ‘To a darkness at the heart of the highest society’ so I think the poisoner is targeting at very rich people or famous people to tell people that they are very dangerous and you shouldn’t cross their path. I think the poisoner knows that Wild Boy and Clarissa is hated by people and he/she wants to be more famous for killing people and being feared because Wild boy is mostly hated by the people. When Wild Boy and Clarissa are looking for the poisoner they’re going to end up in a old abandoned factory because at the back of the book where the crow is there’s gears and also on the front there are gears so something to do with machinery. Additionally, at the back of the book near the crows there is a glass window and there are factory tubes and if you watched Zootroplis the sheep makes the prey into predators and in the blurb it says the poisoner leaves it’s victims mad just like in Zootroplis.

    By Nyhab

  27. I think this book is about Wild and Clarissa getting a new crime to detect and also I think the person that is going to tell them what the crime is about is Queen Victoria. I know this because me and my class mates read some of the book.As well as that ,as I read the blurb I thought that it would be about magic and terror because the book name is wild boy and the black terror.Also I think that the killer is Sir Oswould because he might of been injured not dead [from the last book]so he wants revenge . He might disguise him self as a nice person like jack did in the graveyard book and then if he makes wild boy and Clarissa a drink he might put poison in it.I also think that Sir Oswould might make people mad because they can help him kill or murder Clarissa and wild boy but I only think that he will use them if his poison in there drink trick doesn’t work. Also if you have watched Zootropolis you would see the sheep are making the animals mad and they are making there poison in the train

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