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Watch the video ‘Home Sweet Home’ which is about our planet and the impact climate change is having on it.
- Write an explanation of what climate change is and what it means. What are the consequences?
2) Then, write about what is being done to reduce the negative impact of climate change on planet Earth.
3) What are you going to do to help prevent climate change?
I think that climate change means when the weather changes and also the amount of pollution there is on earth I also think it could link with weather having an impact on how we live. The consequences are if we don’t look after the earth and stop the pollution then the world could come to an end.
People are trying to save the pollution by instead of taking a plane or a bus or car they could cycle or walk and also cycling and walking are a lot more healthier for you instead of taking public transport or driving.
To help prevent climate change in the earth I will try to use as less public transport as possible and to look after the world by not littering or doing anything to harm the world. In my opinion if we look after the world the world will look after us.
By Ella.
Climate change is when the air is polluted by released Chemicals from factory’s and some transports such as cars and buses .That mean that some of those gases goes to different country’s such as the artic and the ice melts and the countrys near the artic get flooded.To reduce the negative impact of climate change people are campaigning to hit done the factory and instead build windmill to keep the air nice and fresh also people walk more so the cars aren’t spreading gas round the air.I will help by planting more plants.
I think that climate change means to change the world in a positive way and I think it helps humans live a good life. I also think that climate change is making the world a better place and not hurting the world and it causes less volcanoes to erupt and less earthquakes to happen.
If people stop littering and throwing things on the street and floor it could prevent the world from smelling and rotting. If everyone keeps the world clean it could help the next generation of people live a life worth living for. If everyone up-cycles and recycles you could save the world.
At the Beginning of the story, the Earth was coughing because of the gas and then the Sun came and then the Earth stopped coughing and became better and happy. Maybe climate change is when there is a wether like winter and then it changes. By Ali
There are consequences when we use petrol because it makes the cars fart out steam and that can kill us and pollute the world .Planet earth is getting damaged because we use to much electricity and when we use it we don’t turn it off and we pollute the world.
To help climate change we have to turn of the lights if we don’t need it because some times you can you’s the sun , also we can close the doors if were not in the room because if the cold air gets in the re the heating would be on for no reason .
by Jennah
At the begining of the story, the earth was very sick because of all the gas and the cars and pollution damaging our planet then the sun gave the earth electricity so the earth had enought power to make windmills an sola panels to help climes change to make the earth happy. After that, a boy riding on his scate board to make trees to make a rainforest to help our earth.
When pollution,smoke and etc rise to the air it is called climate change and climate change has consequences as it rises to the air it comes back down and melts the ice in Antarctica. Because there is water under the ice and snow the pollution melts the ice and for polar bears there will be no ice left for the polar bears to stand on and soon it will melt away if humans don’t reduce the amount of pollution.
Humans are reducing the amount of climate change by cycling because cycling doesn’t need any type of fuel as cars,planes and buses do. Additionally, people are walking and not taking buses or cars.
By Nyhab
Climate change is when the weather changes. Some climates are so strong that they can rip the earth apart e.g. earthquakes, volcanoes and all types of tornadoes. Windmills are being placed all around the world to cool down the earth down. I will help reduce climate change by stop wasting plastic bags and bring my own plastic bags. Plus, I will prevent littering and actually pick it up and put it in the bin. This is called being Eco friendly!
I think climate change is when the weather changes temperature hot or cold. This affects the plants as the temperature can vary which the plant is not capable of holding. It is caused by smoke caused by, mostly, transports or cigarettes which people smoke. The smoke causes pollution. Also oil factory pollute the earth by ejecting all the waste into the atmosphere. We can be more Eco by using less transports and cycle more or walk, keep bags (especially plastic bags which are made oil).
Climate change is all to do with the Earth and it’s climate. Humans are polluting the world with cars, factories and even everyday lights. This causes the world to become overheated and sick, just like a human being would. The ice caps are melting due to global warming, the air is full of bad chemicals because we drive cars and build factories, innocent animals are dying because we, humans, are cutting down their homes to make way for ours. However if we plant more trees, use bikes more often, get rid of factories and start using wind turbines and even do small things like turn the lights off to prevent global warming we can stop all the damage were doing to our planet. We can save her.
Climate change is about the Earth and climate. When climate change happens I believe that the weather is changing. For example when it is Summer climate change happens because of the fact that all of the lovely hot weather and the sun goes away slowly. Unfortunately it also means the fact that when factories and big places like that work they let all the chemicals they used or dont need and it affects the climate change. As the video showed the Earth is a living thing and cars and factories impact on the world. As a result if Earth would be a living human it would be very ill and wouldn’t survive long enough. We as humans try to help it by reducing the about of oil dripping from pipes and less cars are used as to the fact that we think of it more so we use bikes.
Climate Change
I think climate change means that the world becomes polluted and people are using to much electricity and many people are trying to stop that because it is also bad for everyone’s health for e.g if you had asthma and you accidentally inhaled smoke then your health yould be at risk! As I had mentioned earlier people are trying to stop the world for getting pollution by getting solar panels in factory’s and planting more nature worldwide. I am going to prevent climate change by if I went out of a room and the light was on I could turn of the light or I could make sure I close the door behind me if it is very chille so I can keep the warmth inside.
By madiha
Plants won’t grow and the ocean won’t be that blue,also there will be pollution in the air because there is lots of plants and factories. Climate change is when the earth climate changes a lot sometimes it Is cold or coming hotter.Plants and factories close down windmills come up people use boats to travel and people will cycle to travel also.
A climate change is when something awful is happend to the Earth. Like people( some people who don’t care about saving the world) that poullte the Earth with by smoking, puting rubbish on the floor and there is much more. To make a better impact on the world we should, as a team, make sure we put are rubbish in the bin or recycle. We should tre also to encourage people to stop smoking.
I think climate change is when your making the enviroument bad and unclean and using to much electricity and it makes the earth all bad also it could effect your health .
Many people around the world are planting plants and reducing the amount of energy and electricity . I would stop littering , stop using a lot of electricity and to tell other people to stop making the earth all bad !!
Climate change is how the climate ( weather) changes to warm to extreme hot or cold to freezing and many more it is is us also warming the planet (global warning). Climate change can easily happen therefore we need to make sure our planet is clean and healthy. It happens when people create air, noise and water pollution. Also, climate change can happen by planes, cars,factories and sometimes houses polluting space and the air by its smoke and fuel sometimes this causes a smog which can also cause climate change. The world is trying to reduce it by cleaning up the floors, recycling, planting and the sun also helps by creating solar energy. I will make sure people keep recycling and not polluting to prevent climate change from happening.
David Home Sweet Home
I think this video was about pollution in the air. At first the earth was about to die because he kept coughing because there was a lot of smoke coming from coal factories, aeroplanes and cars. Then after the sun gave him solar energy so people can be more better to the world like the bike rider
Plants won’t grow if there is so much poulitoin in the air. Factories can’t help it they are just poulitoin it by smoke . There will be no more earth because of poulitoin. They are growing plants instead of building buildings to save earth.
Climate change is us warming the planet ( globle warming)and we do this by using to many factories and making smog and using to many natural resources . The consequences of climate change are that the polar ice caps are melting and if it continues in many year the sea levels will rise and London will be beneath the waves. We are helping by using different types of energy rather than oil and coal we are trying to use more wind and solar energy.
By Ruby
i think this video was about pollution in the air. At first the earth was about to die because of the coal burning factories , airplanes and cars.Then the sun gave the earth some solar energy so people can be more nicer to the world so it does not die out and humans to live on the planet earth.
By Gabriel.M
I think Climate Change is when the ENVIRONMENT bad and unclean by using too many electricity . If we keep going on like that then it could effect our health , our planet would polluted if we don’t stop it and recycle or up-cycle . We won’t have any trees , grass , flowers, fruits and vegetable. Especially trees because they produce oxygen to us otherwise we will die.
Climate change is the weather and when people are taking buses, trains,cars and planes the air is getting polluted with all those bad things and then the world is not so good anymore because plants wont grow and then u wouldn’t have fresh fruits and vegetables. People are using boats and bicycles and the air isn’t being polluted anymore and things are starting to grow. To help prevent climate change i would recycle and try walk or cycle some where without taking a car or a bus.
By Serena
I think this video is about keeping our planet clean because if we don’t it could be bad for our health . If we keep our planet clean then we could have plant , trees and we would be healthy but if we keep smoking or use electricity for no reason then our planet wouldn’t be healthy but at the end of the video the planet is healthy again and it grow’s plant’s , trees and more boat’s and people come out and our planet is much more healthy. By Bobbi