WALT: use inference to describe a characters emotions

After being dropped off with his ‘boring, old Grandpa’ one boy’s dismay is turned into a thrilling adventure through the power of a shared imagination, a ‘Radio-Flyer’ and a story telling Grandpa. When Dad returns will the fun be over?

Use your inference skills and note down the different emotions Tony goes through during the film. What emotions is he feeling? Why? How do you know?



18 thoughts on “WALT: use inference to describe a characters emotions

  1. I think at the start he was feeling a bit down because his Grandpa wasn’t fun and you could tell that because of the look he had on his face and the boredom in his eyes and face but then he saw a picture of a little boy on a wagon with his dad so he tried to pull the picture down and saw the wagon and i think then he was feeling a bit exited because he finally found something fun to do or look at also the change of the look from before was a great change. Also this story used a lot of imagination with there surroundings and more. Also the fun didn’t end when Dad came it just became more fun because Dad just wanted to join in and he did.

    By Ella.

  2. When his dad went to work his granddad cleaned the grass but when the little boy saw a picture of hid dad and granddad playing he wanted the picture to look at closer . When he tried to get it everything fell of and when his granddad saw he was like do you what to play with his dads wagon (a radio flyer) so they did(they had a lot of fun).When his dad came he asked why they were so dirty but when he saw his wagon he knew they were playing with it and he said lets keep playing .They pretended that they were in space killing the evil aliens, then they pretended that they were flying and in space.


  3. At the beginning he was angry because he didn’t want to see his grandpa. A few minutes later he started to like it because he went on an adventure with a waging that belonged to his Dad. When his dad arrived the fun didn’t stop because when his dad remembered they went on another adventure.

    By Ali

  4. I think when his dad drops Tony off to his grandpa Tony gets sad because he doesn’t get to be with his dad.Because Tony’s grandpa is old Tony thinks he was boring. When Tony saw the picture he saw his dad and grandpa and a wagon. After, I think Tony gets surprise because when the grandpa says he had fun with Tony’s dad. Near the end of the story I think Tony gets happy because he’s having fun in the wagon because he was using his imagination.

    By Nyhab

  5. I think a the start he was sad because he thought his grandpa was boring but when he went is the super wagon and had a amazing adventure he thought he had the best grandpa ever in the world.

    By kasey

  6. At the beginning of the story Tony was upset because his dad kept on promising to play with him but then having to do something else. When his grandpa leaves him on his own, Tony is board until he sees a picture of his grandpa having fun in a cart with Tony’s dad and gets interested. Grandpa realizes that Tony wants to play something and they go on a fantastic adventure of imagination. Tony is having the time of his life until Dad get’s back. I know that then Tony is afraid that his dad will be cross with him because he looks nervous. In the end I know that Tony, Grandpa and Dad go on loads of adventures together and Tony enjoys all of them.

  7. I think that Tony was not looking forward to spending the day at boring old grandpa because there is nothing to do. However when Tony found a picture and the sledge like thing he started to have a better time because his grandpa pushed him around in the sledge around the city.Tony started day dreaming thinking he was in the jungle.

    By Ruby

  8. I believe that in the start, he was feeling a bit down as he was lying on the box, bored. But eventually, the boy found a picture about his dad and his father(the boy’s grandfather) taking him on a trip in a wagon, using his imagination when it is not really there. Then, when the grandfather saw him, he decided to take him on the same adventure as he did for his son. He took him to the jungle, then flies in the air and finally, he goes to space where aliens came and they tried to shoot them.

  9. At first Tony was sad about going to his boring gran dad’s house as his dad left him with his gran dad. But suddenly he was having fun and felt happy as he started playing on the wheelbarrow & was listening to imaginative stories. At the end his dad came however unfortunately he was upset because his dad came & he knew he would miss the fun. Luckily his dad saw his wheelbarrow and joined in with the fun. This made Tony extremely happy.

  10. I believe that Tony felt bored at the start of the story because he didn’t have anything to do while his grandpa fixed the lawn. I also think he felt sad when his dad went away to go to do something and he promised to play with him. Later in the story he feels exited and full of energy while flying in space and going through a jungle.

  11. I believe that Tony felt bored and sad at the beginning as in the story, when the dad said “he will play more” he answered back behind his breath “you said that yesterday.” tony also felt happy and excited as when they were on adventures, He was really happy. But his dad was really rememberable at the end

  12. feel exited and sad.Sad because his dad have to go to his job and exited because gone on an adventure with his granddad through the jungle with bad monkeys, into a bout to a plane and from a plane to a spaceship killing a the alien finally gonging in the kart with his dad.

  13. feel exited and sad.Sad because his dad have to go to his job and exited because gone on an adventure with his granddad through the jungle with bad monkeys, into a bout to a plane and from a plane to a spaceship killing a the alien finally gonging in the kart with his dad which is his dads old kart.

  14. The story is fun and about friendship because when the child was with grandpa he was upset because he thought that grandpa was boring but he was very fun. At the beginning the little boy was upset but when he went home he was so happy. As a result, he was happy to see grandpa.

    by khalid

  15. At first the boy didn’t want to stay with his grandpa because he is not fun at all.
    This book is about friendship because the grandpa is playing with the little boy.


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