WALT: use the 5 senses to describe a scene.



The mountain of High Hrothgar had stood proudly for thousands of years, casting a solemn shadow for miles around.

Few dared to venture close to its base, let alone scale its heights, fearing what awaited at the summit. For one brave adventurer, the folk lore surrounding the mysteries of High Hrothgar provided an opportunity just too tempting to resist. Some called him courageous, others foolish, but it mattered not to him now.

Bracing himself against the torrent of icy wind that rushed towards him down the narrow pass, the lone figure prepared himself for the challenge ahead. He took a deep breath, feeling the frozen air rush into his lungs, and took a bold step onto the path to High Hrothgar…

Sentence challenge!

Can you use your senses to describe the mountain pass to High Hrothgar?

What can you see/hear/smell/feel/taste?

Think about the following things:

the path wind trees

snow ice cloud

fog the summit voices

stone air fear

danger skin face


17 thoughts on “WALT: use the 5 senses to describe a scene.

  1. The atmospheres were people. It was as white as snow. As spine-chilling as being in a completely dark room with no exit. As dangerous as climbing the Everest. The mountain drives people closer to it. The wind brushes past you as if a picture has been painted at the same time. The mountain is as tall as a giant

  2. The brave warrior frozen like an ice block coming out of the freezer. He saw the crystal snowflake settle on his nose as he shivered to keep his self warm. The brave warrior heard the wind gushing past his ear. His ear was a wiggly worm, wiggling to keep him self warm. He was pale white and the colour of his face was pale due the weather condition he was not use to. He can taste the defrosting water coming from above as the ice make him cold .

  3. I can see the mountain of High Hrothgar standing tall like a giant looking down at me from above. Snow ice clouds walk around with me wherever I must go. I can feel the breeze brush past me as if someone is painting a picture . Hearing the path wind trees rustle beside you which make you have a chill down your spine. Smelling the pine trees and the ice cold snow beneath my feet.

  4. Feel
    As the snow charged down, I felt the cold breeze of the wind tickle the hairs of my arm. As the wind swayed from side to side and started to sing, goose bumps began to appear on me. My heartbeat is a charging bull. I feel the fog brush the back of my ear as it starts to speak. My legs are beginning to die as I start to cry.
    The fog tells me ‘You can’t do it’ or ‘Your not going to make it’ in an evil voice. I hear the trees whistle like a humming bird in the morning. As I try to reach the top, their are voices some saying I will make it some saying I cant.
    I see the small puddles of my tears as they carry on trickling down my cheeks. The shining moon awake helping me guide my way to the summit.

  5. I see pine trees as sharp as daggers, they are warriors battling for the little sunlight that creeps through the cliff face. Snow settles on the pathway, soon freezing to ice, making the bold stone steps an ice rink. I hear the wind teasing me, taunting me, daring me to keep going. I hear the rocks, forever creaking, the trees forever rustling. I feel my trusty stick pulling me along. My gloved hand gently brushes the frozen rock face, my boots crunch in the snow. I can feel the fog against my face. I can smell the sweet pine trees and the ice. I can taste the winter air, the powerful breeze blows into my open mouth, it’s amazing sweet, but sour. I love every moment.

  6. I can feel the stone cold wind across my face creeping down my back finding its way through the crevices in between my many tops. I hear the voices from the summit traveling down through the fog tempting me, incising me to keep going on and I will even if I know it will be dangerous. I smell the musty ice which has been there for years


  7. Feel
    As snow chared down,thier was a cold air. Goose bumps began to cover my body.My leg were weak and i thought my legs were dieing as i started to cry.My arms started to eake and i felt that i was dieing.
    I could hear trees colapsing down and snow sliping on the edge of the mountian.I could hear one of my conseces saying you can do it and the other saying just give up their is no piont of climbing this mountian.
    By Gabriel.m
    I could see tears dropping down my cheak as the moon started to awake and becoming dark.

  8. Feel
    What i felt was a snowy weather storming across my face while walk up the mountain.It was as white as snow the wind was brave and strong.
    It was as quiet as a sleeping baby the there were no animals it was haunted and was so bold.
    I could smell the musty ice and the horrible pine trees there were many bold stones that made me shiver and block my nose.
    I was trying to get my drink but it was frozen and my sandwich was just icy i didn’t believe that it was this bad .
    by Khalid.A

  9. I can see snow as cold as ice, there was grey foggy clouds every where. He was as brave as a lion and his hairs stood up as the icy wind blew towards him. He hears the quiet wind whistling close to him, he feels like he is on a dangerous mission and once he goes he cant turn back. He is courageous but also horrified like he was being chased by a annoying clown. He can smell the musty ice which has been there for a decade.


  10. It is as tall as giant.The brave warrior was like he has just came out of freezer.
    I feel like the wind is freezing my body.The mountain is like a ginormous giant looking at me from above.


  11. The trees have going wild. The path is covered in snow. The clouds are plain white with snow coming out. There is a tall jant in the mountians.

  12. This is a mountain that no one can take down
    fighting like animals to try and gain sunlight
    You will see the skeletons who tried to survive
    You will hear people scream as you never heard such a scream.
    You think it’s easy but you think wrong,
    I promise
    you will make fall and die
    There are faces on the wall
    Saying you’re trapped!
    All you will feel is the stone cold air
    To be able to complete this task you need to follow the paths of the windy trees
    The snow ice cloud is your worse nightmare
    The wolfs are howling
    The animals are fighting
    The trees are swing onto the floor
    Soon enough you will think about running away
    If you complete this mountain you will be a hero.
    Well done!
    Derick Mutonda

  13. The High Hrothgar
    The wind is a wolf howling,
    The sound is like a normal human voice,
    The fog says no your never going to make it cos you cant see,
    The never ending snow storm’s snow is landing on the ground,
    I see icicles that are glass daggers,
    See my breath trying to run back to it’s friendly friends in my mouth,
    I see snow comming back to it’s cloud but gravity is kiddnapping it,
    See the mountains’s skin skraping away,
    Si Yi

  14. The High Hrothgar
    I see icicles as sharp as daggers
    trees bending down at me as if iv done something wrong
    I feel the misty shadow that has been there for years
    I feel the snow ice cloud creeping upon me
    The coldness spreading like an infection
    I hear the wind whistling a repeating tune into my ear
    A deep voice mumbling i shouldn’t go on but I still have no interest
    It smells like the destruction of a rainforest
    A little child crying for his mom to come back
    I see a huge figure standing above me
    it scaily skin giving me the shivers

    By Madiha

  15. see
    I see snow as cold as ice , the pathway all covered in crystal clear ice, the small green trees getting colder and colder as it snows just like an ice cube that has been in a freezer for over a week coming out of one .
    I can feel the wind brushing my face with white snow, i felt snow tickling my nose as I walked past a snowy mountain . i could feel goose bumbs starting to cover up my body as my arms and legs started to get weaker and weaker as i steped near the pathway .
    i could hear giants feet stomping on the flooor i could hear trees falling down

  16. There is no use of coming up,I get colder every second. Its hard to get up but the people who did never came back, trees will block your sight , you might slip and fall. People are still struggling to get back down when you see one of them they will tell you to go back , you can see them freezing but you don’t help because you want to be a winner. Your almost there,
    you made it you shout hooray but you reilise there is no way down.

    By David

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